Wednesday 18 February 2015

January 2015

Already into the New Year of 2015 - January the month starting off getting back into the working mode - the new projects - the new beginnings and the loss of friends both human, canine and feline.

The month of January started off with the first Dog Workshop in Queens Park W10 of 2015 - the weather colder than ever and the dogs more eager to go back to the comforts of home than learn #nottojump #howtocomebackwhencalled and #walkingonlead!! Some like #Ghost and Rex two German Shepherds were keen to get the pawty started - others like Mags and the Beagle were not so keen!!

The month of January saw the loss of a friend that spent her life helping others and her rescue and love of animals over 30 years was well known.  A Lady that would  help the homeless both two and four legged - I remember one time she was  walking one of her dogs and a lady was taking a 'senior healthy' yorkshire terrier' to the vets.  My friend asked 'What was wrong with him' - the reply was ' I can not have him any more so I am having him  put to sleep' - My friend took his lead and said - 'You cant do that - I'll take him' and Tooney the Yorkie  lived a good few more years as 'Top Dog'.   I always say why do the 'beautiful animal angels' always leave us too soon.  Blessings my friend - RIP

The month of January a NEW Year for some and the END of an Era for others.