Tuesday 5 January 2016


5th January 2016

Another year has gone already - 2015 was a year of new Dog Laws - More Dogs and kittens abandoned or surrendered to the already full up rescues around the country.  In Romania more stray dogs were cruelly killed by equally evil 'dog catchers' - in Spain a rescue still seeks the 'Missing Spanish Pups in Uk' - adopted by J Steenson in Glasgow and only notified in October 2013 that they had gone 'missing' - Last known location in Leith - the adoptee not disclosing any more details. Thousands on facebook are still helping to trace these four pups who will be two years old now. I have become involved with an amazing rescuer of Poundies Shelle Alders who with her committed volunteers helps fund - rescue - foster dogs that would otherwise after Seven Days in a Council Pound be euthanized - I have also met some brilliant dogs with just a little patience - understanding and training guidance have been adopted or in foster awaiting furever homes.
Taz whose main desire in life is muddy puddles and lots of love adopted by Sam - Dice a stunning boy who
just needed socialisation and introuduction to the day by day environment. Lucus who was a troubled soul who we loved and thought he had the perfect home but sadly not. 

In 2015 I was awarded a small sub contract from Queens Park Parish Council to continue my educational animal care and welfare groups - helping with advice and training with dog owners on low income yet desperate for help with their adored dog.  Also working with the local warden and dog warden for Westminister on Dog Patrol and educational seminars - Free Microchipping Events - Issuing free dog vouchers for spaying and neutering - so far ten dogs have been spayed this year (vouchers courtesy of Dog Trust).  I have been out to Chobham Surrey for a one day Masterclass in understanding when 'Its Dog Play or Fight' and an update on Dogs Behaviour - Scenting - Fear of other dogs and their reaction.  Each year I make sure I sign up for one of Sarah Whiteheads amazing Masterclass in Dogs Behaviour - we can never stop learning about Dogs Behaviour.

I have also observed the 'Big Brother' attitude of the 'Powers that be' to people that want to work yet this new government want to avoid helping and literally make it very difficult for small businesses and low income workers to survive doing the work they love and feeling good about earning a living rather than sit at home and do nothing - Am I being political -  not really - just stating a fact. So for myself and many I am sure in the year of 2016 will do everything they can to seek more work - work harder and not give up the job they love and that makes them feel part of the community and most of all - a human being.

So good luck - keep helping - rescuing and remember there is always someone a lot worse off than us - prayers for the poor people - animals - that have suffered during the floods.  The refugees that have no homes - lost children - families - wildlife that greedy hunters are killing and making extinct - strays all over the world that are being beaten killed - by countries that have no welfare - no sanctuary - no heart.

Happy New Year of 2016